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This method retrieves statistics regarding imported Purchases. Specifically, it allows us to check the amount of Purchases imported for a specified customer in a specified period. As well as specifying how many of those Purchases were unmapped and what those unmapped Purchases look like.


Some counts for the specified criteria.


Name Type Description
importedFrom String Consider only Purchases imported after this date. This should be in the format YYYY-MM-DD’T’HH:mm:SS.
importedTo String Consider only Purchases imported before this date. This should be in the format YYYY-MM-DD’T’HH:mm:SS.
customerCode String Consider only Purchases for the specified customer.
fetchUnmapped Boolean Whether or not to consider unmapped Purchases.


Name Type Description
ResultMessage String Additional information when operation failed.
ResultCode ResultCodeEnum Whether the operation completed successfully.
Result PurchaseImportStats Operation result.

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