System Detail Widgets
The System Widgets in CloudBilling are the widgets that display basic information about your CloudBilling environment, and the data held within. Using these, you are able to gain immediate and relevant insight into the various metrics of the system, such as the number of customers currently being serviced, the number of ”orphaned” Purchases recently imported, or the number of problematic invoices you currently have, and so on.
The currently available System Detail Widgets are described below:
Customer Details
Simple counts of the total number of Customers in the system, how many are new (created this month), and how many are orphans (not yet mapped to any CustomerCluster – this stat is highlighted in red if there are any Customers like this).
- Total: The number of customers stored within CloudBilling.
- New (current month): The number of customers that were created in the current month.
- Orphaned: The number of customers that have not been successfully assigned to a Customer Cluster. If this value is greater than zero, it is highlighted in red, as it means that no billing or invoicing can take place for this customer.
Configuration Options
Only the widget title can be specified.
Purchase Details
Info on counts of the total number of Purchases, as well as how many are New (this month), Active (i.e. still able to be invoiced), Not invoiced, and Unmapped (either to a Product Cluster, or to a Customer, or both).
The user can click on “Unmapped”, and will be taken to the Purchases search screen, showing these unmapped purchases. From here, he will be able to correct the mappings. If there are any Unmapped purchases, this stat will be highlighted in red.
- Total: The total number of purchases within CloudBilling.
- New (current month): The number of purchases with a PurchaseDate within the current month.
- Active: The number of purchases that have not yet been fully invoiced (on completed Invoices) - particularly applicable to recurring or long-range purchases that are still current.
- Not Invoiced: The number of purchases that do not currently appear on any invoice. This could indicate that the purchase is a “future purchase” (or that there are newly imported purchases that have not yet been calculated), or more serious problems such as Unmapped purchases (see below), or a gap in your pricing model.
- Unmapped: The number of purchases that are not mapped to both a Customer and a Product Cluster. (If either of these mappings is incomplete, the purchase cannot be billed, and is marked as “Unmapped”). In this situation, this number is highlighted in red.
Configuration Options
Only the widget title can be specified.
Invoice Details
Info on counts of Invoices in 4 major categories: Total count, Live (current Billing period), Ready To Approve (fully calculated and invoiced, and period is complete), and Problems (any error state - this is highlighted in red). The user can click on any stat and be taken to the Invoices search screen, with the relevant Quick Search pre-loaded.
- Total: The total number of invoices currently in CloudBilling, regardless of state.
- Live: The total number of invoices with a “current” billing period. In other words, where today is within the billing period.
- Ready to Approve: The number of invoices that have been successfully generated (in status “Invoiced OK”), and where the billing period is complete (in other words, the billing period’s “End Date” is in the past).
- Problems: The number of invoices that are in any sort of error state. If there are any invoices in error state, this value is highligted in red.
Configuration Options
Only the widget title can be specified.
Cluster Details
Info on how many clusters exist in system, including Leaf Products, and Leaf Products without rules (which is highlighted in red when there are any clusters in this state). This widget gives an overview of the current structures within your billing structures, as well as any potential gaps (products that might not be catered for in your pricing plan yet).
Configuration Options
Only the widget title can be specified.
Info on how many Customers and Purchases that are unmapped in some way, and therefore need attention. User is able to click on the two numbers, and will be taken to the relevant search screens where he will be able to update the mappings. If either stat indicates that there are orphans, it will be highlighted in red.
Configuration Options
Only the widget title can be specified.