Invoice Management
Searching for invoices
CloudBilling has a number of pre-defined search filters, called “Quick Searches”, that allow for quick and easy searching of your Invoices.
- All (default) - all invoices are included.
- Live - returns all invoices that are still “open” (ie. not Closed, Approved, or Exported).
- Ready to Approve - returns all invoices that are successfully Invoiced, and the invoice’s period has ended (i.e., ready for Approval, and not already closed in some way).
- Complete - returns all invoices that are Approved or Closed.
- Problem Invoices - return all invoices that failed at some point in the billing or invoicing process, and are now in an error state.
- Advanced - this is not a true Quick Search, but instead will show the full set of search criteria, that you can modify and search on, as below:
CloudBilling provides several options to search for specific invoices.
- Customer Code - (auto-completer) find all invoices for a specific customer.
- Customer Cluster - (auto-completer) find all invoices for a particular cluster of one or more customers (and optionally, its descendants too, by selecting Include Children).
- Invoice Reference - (auto-completer) find a specific AdHoc invoice, based on its unique reference.
- Invoice Number - find one or more Approved invoices, based on (part of the) invoice number(s).
- Invoice Statuses - find invoices in a specific status by selecting one or more of the Invoice Statuses. (For more information about the different invoice statuses please see [Invoice
- Statuses](/20230116.4/docs/cloudbilling-concepts/invoice-overview.html)).
- Invoice Types - find only Periodical or AdHoc invoices.
- Integrity Statuses - find invoices with a particular integrity status.
- Is Empty - filter between invoices that have no Purchases on them and invoices that do. Note: an empty invoice is not necessarily the same as an invoice with a total amount of 0. An invoice can have a total amount of 0, while still containing Purchases (due to a 100% discount for instance). An empty invoice has no Purchases associated with it.
- Total between - find invoices that have a minimum total amount, maximum total amount or that fall within an amount range.
- Billing Period - find invoices based on their invoice period (alternatively, you can use the Current button to find invoices whose period encompasses the current date).
It is possible to combine all these options to help you find your invoices.
Search Results
The invoices screen provides you with a overview of all invoices in the system. For each invoices we list a number of important properties.
For each invoice you can immediately see the Invoice Number, Invoice Reference (for AdHoc invoices), Invoice Type, Customer, Customer Code, Customer Cluster, Billing period (From & To), the last calculated total and cost total, the status of the invoice (for more information about the different invoice statuses please see Invoice - Statuses), the date when the invoice was last calculated and the Integrity.
There are a number of operations available for each invoice:
- To view all purchases that are included in an invoice, click the
- To view the invoice using the Invoice Viewer, click the
- You are able to recalculate an invoice, by clicking the
button. This will show a small screen where you can confirm the details, and add a reason or comment.
- Clicking the
button allows you to Approve, Close or Recalculate an invoice, using the same screen. This button appears instead of the previous button when the invoice period has ended (i.e. the invoice can now be Approved or Closed).
- Clicking the
- Clicking on the
button will show a popup that allows you to Apply a Transformation to the invoice.
- The
button takes you directly to the invoice Transformation Results that exist for this specific invoice.
- Finally, you can select multiple invoices with the
button. Clicking the same button in the header will Select ALL Invoices in the current filter.
- By selecting multiple invoices in these ways, you can easily Approve, Recalculate, Close, or execute Transformations on large groups of invoices (by clicking on the relevant button in the header).
Important: Approving and Closing invoices is irreversible. Once an invoice is Approved or Closed, there is no way to undo it. This is enforced by CloudBilling to ensure invoice number continuity.