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SMTP Settings

The SMTP server settings can be found under Administration > Messaging > SMTP Settings. It allows for an SMTP server to be defined as well as a set of email addresses from which messages can be sent.

To define an SMTP server connection, the following fields can be used:

  • Host - The hostname of the SMTP server to connect to.
  • Port - The port number of the SMTP server to connect to.
  • Username - Optional username to authenticate to the SMTP server with.
  • Password - Optional password to authenticate to the SMTP server with.
  • Require SSL - Whether or not to enforce the connection to the SMTP to use SSL (applies only to Explicit TLS).
  • Rate limit (msg/min) - Control the outbound message rate, to prevent flooding the SMTP server.

Transport Security

We support both Implicit TLS (SSL/TLS) and Explicit TLS (STARTTLS). To use Implicit TLS use port 465, and to use Explicit TLS check “Require SSL”.

Sender Addresses

Additionally, a set of email addresses can be added. Each address consists of three elements:

  • Key - A unique key that can be used to refer to the address.
  • Email - The actual email address itself.
  • Display Name - The name that should be displayed when receiving an email from this address.

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