Message Definition
A message definition is a generic description of a message. Specific instances of this definition will be sent to customers through the use of message runs. A message definition is made up of the following fields:
- Name - A name that identifies the message definition.
- From Key - A key that refers to an email specified under SMTP settings, to send emails from.
- Recipient Key - A key that refers to an email specified on a customer, to send the email to.
- Subject - The subject of the emails.
- Message Template - The message template to generate the content of the email.
- Invoice Transformation - A set of invoice transformations, the result of which are to be added to each email as attachments.
- Attachments - Password Key - Optional password protect the attachments.
- Attachments - Zip - Whether to zip the attachments before attaching them.
- Collate - If multiple invoices exist for a single customer, collate them into a single email.